Following the reproduction by Agenda Malvinas of information published by the Israeli military information medium ; reporting that LeoLabs specialists warned that the Russian satellite Kosmos-2570 had launched two “military” objects into space; the national senator for Tierra del Fuego, Pablo Blanco , criticized the double discourse of the American company, which at an international level reports on the dual function of the devices mounted in strategic places on the planet, but at the national level denies that the radar installed in the southern province of Argentina can be used for civil and military functions.
“And now what are those who claimed that the company does not do military intelligence going to disguise themselves as?” the parliamentarian stated yesterday on his account on the social network X, clearly alluding to the Tierra del Fuego government of Gustavo Melella , who for two years denied the dual capacity of the radar; the same as the national government of Javier Milei , who through the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers Guillermo Francos , stated that he had met with officials from the US embassy and from the company itself, and had received information about the harmlessness of the mounted ground station or radar installed 11 km north of the Tierra del Fuego municipality of Tolhuin. “They always lied. The Leolabs Radar in Tierra del Fuego must be dismantled now!” said Blanco .
LeoLabs itself published that it detected strange movements in two Russian military satellites. And now, what are those who claimed that the company does not do military intelligence going to disguise themselves as? They always lied. Leolabs' radar in Tierra del Fuego must be dismantled now!
In 2023, executives of the North American company, whose British and Irish subsidiaries are the ones that settled in Tierra del Fuego, asked to meet with the senator and told him that the Tolhuin radar did not have the capacity to monitor military targets. An issue that, in reality, was blurred by the announcements and reports produced by the executives and professionals of the company based in California.
In this case, as reported by the Israeli media, LeoLabs identified through its radar network that the Russian military satellite Kosmos-2570 , on November 23, “ created a new entity.”
According to American observers, “a similar event had already occurred in 2022 when the Russian satellite Cosmos-2565 released another object, Cosmos-2566.” Multiplications of military devices that “make it difficult for the US authorities to distinguish the new objects, complicating the operation of other satellites in space,” describes the Israeli media.
LeoLabs ' assumptions about the satellite's behavior were confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense, which stated that the launched rocket had put “more than one spacecraft” into orbit. This launch took place on October 27, 2023, at 09:00 Moscow local time, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.