Ushuaia launched periodic and permanent training on the “Malvinas Question”

With a multitudinous event that brought together 1468 registrants, the municipality of Ushuaia launched the training on the Malvinas Question. The study of the British usurpation in the South Atlantic.

24 de November de 2024 13:18

The "Cochocho" Vargas municipal microstadium, location of the massive training launch event.

This Tuesday the 19th, on the eve of National Sovereignty Day, the mayor of the city of Ushuaia, Walter Vuoto , kicked off the mandatory, periodic and permanent training on the “QUESTION OF THE Malvina ISLANDS”, established by National Law 27,671 to which the city adhered.

An educational program developed by the Unified Union of Workers of Education of Tierra del Fuego , with the support of Magister Susana Pereyra , a graduate in International Relations from USAL, a professor at the UAI and the National University of Defense; who guides the complexity of the Malvinas Question.

Magister Susana Pereyra presenting in the axis of identity configurations

Planned as a seminar and developed in three areas: Historical and legal aspects of the Question of the Malvinas Islands; Foreign policy, geopolitics and natural resources; and Malvinas and identity configurations ; the activity began at 09:45 and was projected until 15 hours last Tuesday.

The speakers were the descendants of Luis Vernet and María Sáez; Clara Vernet and José Luis Vernet ; the graduate in Political Sciences and teacher Lucio Verdoia; the graduate in International Relations, teacher and lawyer Pablo Wehbe, the Fisheries Engineer Mayra Padín; the Master, graduate in International Relations, teacher and researcher Susana Pereyra; the Graduate in Communication, journalist and writer Gabriela Naso; the Master in Education, teacher and researcher Karin Otero and the Master in Latin American Integration and Bachelor in International Relations Julián Kelly.


The “Malvina ISLANDS QUESTION” is understood as the sovereignty dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and the corresponding maritime spaces. It has its origins on January 3, 1833 when the United Kingdom, violating territorial integrity, illegally occupied the islands and expelled the Argentine authorities, preventing their return, as well as the settlement of new Argentines from the mainland; and implanting colonists from the British islands.


An institutional opening with a national presence

At the opening of the permanent training meeting, the Mayor of the capital city of Malvinas thanked the municipal workers, who massively followed the presentations of the participating professionals. He also thanked the support of Governor Gustavo Melella , the legislature and the deliberative councils of Ushuaia and Tolhuin, who declared the Seminar to be of provincial and municipal interest.

The closing speech was given by the Malvinas ex-combatants, Dante Asili ; Daniel Guzmán and Horacio Chávez ; who reiterated the need to talk less about the war and give more importance to training and education in all areas of society, of what is happening in the Malvinas Islands as a result of the systematic plundering of the wealth and natural resources of the Argentines; by the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

At the institutional opening, Mayor Walter Vuoto was accompanied by Deputy Mayor Gabriela Muñiz Sicardi , National Senator María Eugenia Duré , author of the Training Law; National Deputies Agustina Propato , Carolina Yutrovic and Andrea Fretes ; National Deputy and War Veteran Aldo Leiva , Secretary of Malvinas Affairs of Ushuaia and War Veteran Dante Asili , and the President of the Malvinas Veterans Center in Ushuaia, War Veteran Juan Carlos Parodi .


The “Malvina ISLANDS QUESTION” and the Law

On June 15, 2022, at the request of a project presented by the National Senator for the Frente de Todos, from the province of Tierra del Fuego AeIAS, María Eugenia Duré ; the National Congress approved the Law 27.671, which establishes the Mandatory, periodic and ongoing training on the “Malvina ISLANDS QUESTION” for all persons who work in the public service at all levels and hierarchies in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Nation.

The “Malvina ISLANDS QUESTION” or the “MALVINAS QUESTION” , as it is colloquially known, has been described by the United Nations as a special and particular case of colonial decolonization, where there is an underlying dispute over sovereignty and therefore, unlike traditional colonial cases, the principle of self-determination of peoples is not applicable.




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