Governor Melella will initiate legal action against the fishing companies that operate with a British license in the Malvinas

By acquiring an application that allows you to identify and follow the activities and trajectories of fishing vessels that operate near the Malvinas with an illegal British license, the government of Tierra del Fuego collects and documents information to “advance against the fishing vessels” that annually take 250 thousand tons of Argentine natural resources.

6 de abril de 2022 13:23

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Closing the event by signing the Letter of Intent between the government of Tierra del Fuego and the Malvinas secretariat of the Chancellery, for the establishment of a sub-headquarters of that entity in the capital of the Province, last Wednesday, March 30, the Governor Gustavo Melella told Ambassador Guillermo Carmona that the province will move forward with new legal actions against companies that operate with licenses granted illegally by the British colony established in the Malvinas; on this occasion, against the fisheries. “We are going to advance against the fishing companies, against the fishing companies.

The province has acquired a program where minute by minute we follow the fishing activity in the Malvinas. We know what vessels they are, what origin and what company they belong to, and what they are doing in our waters, with an illegal British permit,” the president informed the political official. of the chancellery and the press.

With a similar purpose, in August of last year, the government of Tierra del Fuego already filed an environmental complaint against the Anglo-Dutch construction company Bam Nuttall , accusing it of having started the work of the new port in the Malvinas Islands, a process without government authorization. and fail to comply with Law 55 of the Province, regarding preservation, conservation, defense and improvement of the environment. They will be ordered to regularize. “We have to look for some actions that go against Foradori Duncan, against the comfort in which Great Britain finds itself,” said Governor Melella, alongside Guillermo Carmona who, like his predecessor Daniel Filmus , argue that “ as long as the current national administration does not apply it, it does not exist. Because if the Foradori-Duncan was the roadmap for Macriism, it is not for the current government.”


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