Concern among Spanish fishing companies about the conflict between Milei and Sánchez

The president of the Vigo Shipowners' Cooperative (ARVI), Javier Touza, highlighted that two thirds of Spain's fishing imports come from Argentina, which is why the aggression between the presidents is "negative for all parties involved."

21 de May de 2024 16:09

Spanish-owned companies have been working in Argentina for more than 40 years, with 80 ships that are required to have 80% Argentine crew, and the fight between the leaders generated great concern.

The diplomatic controversy between the Argentine and Spanish Governments after the non-protocol visit of President Javier Milei to the lands of the Iberian Peninsula , left a new repercussion due to the concern generated in Spanish fishing companies that fear for their 80 boats and “thousands of jobs” in Argentina .

According to the media La Capital de Mar del Plata , there is concern on the part of private companies that are part of the fishing activity in South American fishing grounds, particularly in Argentina. The fear is that political tensions will influence the activity in the face of cross aggression between Milei and the Spanish president .

These are around 80 vessels of Spanish capital, with mixed companies and “thousands of jobs” , which support the supply of raw materials for the Galician national industry, taking into account that our country is “a crucial supplier of fish for the European Union”.

In this sense, the president of the Vigo Shipowners' Cooperative (ARVI), Javier Touza , stated that Spanish-owned companies have been working in Argentina for more than 40 years , with 80 vessels that have the obligation to have a 80% of the crew is Argentine.

Two-thirds of Spain's imports in this category come from Argentina, which is why Touza highlighted its importance and said that the confrontation between the leaders of both countries is "negative for all parties involved."

“50,000 tons of imported fish and seafood enter the Galician port of Vigo – the first in Spain – annually, worth 360 million euros (392 million dollars), of which two thirds come from Argentina,” indicates an article. From the capital.

At the same time, it is emphasized that "there are Spanish investments at stake and "thousands of jobs", taking into account the crew members of these vessels, a large part of them Argentine, and the fish processing plants that are later imported to Spain."

In another international controversy generated by Javier Milei in recent days, during an event of the Spanish party Vox, in Madrid, and with international leaders of the extreme right, the Argentine president described the wife of the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, as corrupt. about whom he also had words of aggression for his socialist ideology.



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