"We do not want to disappoint "Bertie" and those who consider his novel idea hilarious: THE SOUTH ATLANTIC SEA IS ALREADY PRIVATIZED", César Lerena.

29 de October de 2023 09:45

The economist Alberto Benegas Lynch, the hero of the presidential candidate Javier Milei.

The economist Alberto Benegas Lynch - a hero for Javier Milei - considered "the idea of his son, Bertie Benegas Lynch, to privatize the sea to be extraordinary and applauded the proposal of the new LLA deputy, justifying the privatization of the oceans" ( Page 12 , 10/28/2023 ).

This “ new idea ” will surely be explained by the next deputy “Bertie” in Congress, although it may not be so creative, since it could have as a precedent the British appropriation of the surrounding seas and the publication in 1635 of the book “Mare Clausum” ( the closed sea ) of the several times imprisoned and eminent English constitutionalist John Selden; theory already supported by Prince Henry “the navigator” in 1443 and also by Spain at the time of the discoveries, which was ratified by Oliver Cromwell's Navigation Act in 1651, although it was later converted, according to the power of the nations, especially the United Kingdom of Great Britain, since its control of the sea in the 19th century.

Although John Selden's well-known motto “ Peri Pantos ten eleutherian” (freedom, above all) could ideologically relate him to the Benegas; But, it is evident that the latter are urban animals and seem to know little about the Sea.

Already in the 20th century, at the Hague Conference of 1930, the Codification of the Sea began, where the countries proposed to delimit the territorial sea and, after a lot of water flowed under the bridge, Argentina in 1995 by Law 24,543 ratified the United Nations Convention on the Sea (UNCLOS), where, among other things, the maritime limits of States and the use of natural resources in marine spaces and the exploitation of the territorial sea, the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and high seas.

"Bertie" would found the privatization of the sea, in which the natural resource in the sea "is extinct" and that "issues related to the environment are resolved with assignments of property rights" and understanding that this would avoid, for example, the extinction of whales and, by the way, it does not mention the very serious predation of the millions of tons of fishing species originating from the Argentine sea on the high seas and the Malvinas.

Well, we don't want to disappoint "Bertie" and those who consider his novel idea hilarious: THE SOUTH ATLANTIC SEA IS ALREADY PRIVATIZED.

First , we reiterate, there is UNCLOS to which Argentina adhered and therefore must adjust its procedures at sea, even on the high seas, where Argentina has no jurisdiction.

Second , “Bertie” may not know and neither does his Dad, but all the fishing and oil resources in the Argentine sea are concessioned in favor of national and foreign companies; even in the Malvinas area, where the British, who illegally occupy the archipelagos and the sea, grant illegal fishing licenses to some 120 foreign vessels for the exploitation of these resources and extract 250,000 tons of fishing products annually in this national territory and, are also starting the exploitation of hydrocarbons; the latter resources, which during 2019 the Argentine government put out to tender about 100,000 km2 in the southern area and in front of Mar del Plata, for offshore exploitation, even in violation of Law 26,386 and 26,659.

Third , Argentine, Spanish, Chinese, etc. fishing companies.located in Argentina are granted concessions to exploit the Argentine sea and capture at their risk some 800,000 tons of fish, crustaceans and mollusks per year, and the Argentine Enforcement Authority grants them quotas or authorizations and, in return, they pay capture rights, make investments. , etc.

Fourth , about 500 Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese ships, etc.


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