A Chinese refrigerated ship that operates at mile 201 is supplied with supplies in Mar del Plata

Despite numerous efforts to stop the growing foreign fleet that operates outside mile 200, Mar del Plata provides input and food support to the NOVA FLORIDA refrigerated ship that lifts the illex squid that the Chinese supposedly catch outside the Exclusive Economic Zone.

25 de April de 2023 08:23

In view of those who walk along the coast of Mar del Plata, the ship is in the outer roadstead and at anchor.

This was reported yesterday by the Mar del Plata news site Pescare , dedicated to Argentina's fishing industry ; “For just over a week, in the sight of those who walk along the coast of Mar del Plata, a ship that is the collector of all the illex squid fishing that that foreign fleet captures on the border has been in the outer roadstead and at anchor. of mile 200.

By Agenda Malvinas


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