Navitas' environmental plan to justify oil looting in the Malvinas

Agenda Malvinas had access to the Environmental Impact Statement, prepared by the company Navitas Petroleum, of the León Marino Field (Sea Lion), located in the North Basin of the Malvinas Islands.

5 de July de 2024 10:44

The Sea Lion/León Marino field, on which British piracy plans an initial exploitation of 300 million barrels of oil.


As is publicly known, the company with Israeli and American capital, Navitas Petroleum , proposes to begin activities under the protection of the occupation government and with the protection of the colonialist military force deployed in the Malvinas by the United Kingdom, in the Development Area of the North of the Sea Lion Field (Sea Lion) located in the Northern Basin of the islands, with the objective of producing and exporting oil, deepening the plundering of our resources in the long term.

And, to take advantage of our resources, Navitas proposes a phased development process .

It is worth clarifying that the licenses for the North Malvinas Basin were initially managed by Premier Oil Exploration and Production Limited (POEPL) in collaboration with Rockhopper Exploration (an oil and gas exploration and production company based in the United Kingdom and with strong interests in the Malvina Islands) before the occupation government. Exploratory drilling campaigns were carried out in 2010-2011 and 2015-2016 . In 2012 , plans began for the development of the León Marino (Sea Lion) project with a view to production . In 2020 , an environmental impact statement for POEPL 's plan was formally submitted and accepted. In September 2022, POEPL was acquired by Navitas Petroleum , which now operates the illegitimate basin licenses.

According to Navitas in its statement, the purpose of the environmental impact assessment is to ensure that all operations are carried out in compliance with the legislation of the invading enemy of the Malvina Islands and Navitas' operational management system , which requires doing everything reasonably possible to prevent major accidents and minimize environmental impacts .

In the declaration there is a brief description of what the development of the phases would be like.

For Phase 1, drilling and installation of underwater infrastructure is proposed; connection and commissioning of the floating vessel for storage and unloading of production  and initial oil production; carrying out simultaneous operations; oil production and export; logistical support and dismantling.

For Phase 2, the continuation and expansion of Phase 1 activities with additional mitigations and ongoing impact assessments is proposed.

Regarding the identification of “environmental and social sensitivities” , including the management of data gaps, Navitas proposes addressing the “environmental sensitivity” in the development area and the “social sensitivities” related to local communities.

In the statement, Navitas maintains that the evaluation will focus on environmental and social aspects, impacts and risks , using a methodology for its evaluation . It also assumes that “direct compensation options are considered to mitigate negative impacts.”

Among the key results that emerge from the evaluation are what Navitas defines as significant residual impacts , among which the following stand out :

·        Artificial lighting at sea and on the coast;

·        Underwater noise on the high seas;

·        Discharging drill cuttings;

·        Atmospheric emissions (climatic factors);

·        Waste management;

·        Risk of injury to marine mammals due to collisions;

·        Risk of introducing invasive marine species;

·        Competition for fresh water and electricity resources;

·        Use of the road network and disturbances to the human population due to light.

Navitas maintains that an Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan is established to guarantee continuous monitoring and mitigation of environmental impacts throughout the development of the project.

It should be noted that in the conclusions of the evaluation, the company that illegally carries out activities in the Northern Basin with the permission of the invading government that occupies the Malvinas maintains, without dropping its face of shame, that it will continue to do everything it reasonably practicable with respect to monitoring and management to minimize environmental impacts/risks during Phases 1 and 2 of Development”, adding that “impact and risk assessments will be reviewed periodically to ensure that controls remain in place and that activities "that lead to potentially significant impacts and risks are subject to continuous improvement where opportunities exist ."


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