According to Transparency International , Argentina ranks third among the countries with the greatest growth in corruption in recent years, with the military procurement system being one of the most corrupt in the world.
The two offering shipyards have a long record: the French shipyard NAVAL GROUP , which has just sold us four military ships at a premium, concentrates 74% of world military naval corruption according to international studies. The German shipyard T HYSSENKRUPP , for its part, sold us in the eighties, a submarine factory that was never able to build any.
Without entering into the discussion about their real need, submarines are not a priority today in the face of extreme poverty in the country. Furthermore, these purchases are usually accompanied by large bribes paid during the signing of the contract. Therefore, the urgency to bring forward an agreement of this magnitude, being so close to the end of this government period.
The purchase of the submarines - surely French - and those already carried out for the acquisition of the four patrol boats - ARA “Contraalmirante Cordero”, ARA “Bouchard”, ARA “Piedrabuena” and ARA “Storni” -, consume the national naval funds of the FONDEF (Defense Fund) for the next 100 years. There is almost nothing left for the national industry. That is why FONDEF was renamed: Fund for the Development of France .
Another terrible state policy, which far from adding to our sovereignty, subtracts a lot from it.
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* Raúl E.Podetti is a naval engineer (ITBA), MSE (U.Michigan), MBA (IAE), researcher, university professor, consultant and director of the Industria Azul Collection. Former naval industrial entrepreneur and VP of FINA and ARS.
January 13, 2023