LeoLabs trusts that Milei will reactivate the radar installed in Tierra del Fuego

Ámbito Financiero indicated that the company whose English and Irish subsidiaries set up a radar in southern Argentina, trusts Milei's alignment with the US for "the reopening of the satellite installation."

25 de July de 2024 14:43

The earth station or radar belonging to the British and Irish subsidiaries of LeoLabs, installed in the Fuegian town of Tolhuin.

The lack of political decision in time, both by the governor of Tierra del Fuego, Gustavo Melella ; as well as the presidential administration led by Alberto Fernández until December 10, could consolidate the presence and aggravate the danger to national security represented by the radar installed by LeoLabs between 2022 and 2023 in the southernmost province of Argentina.

As published this Tuesday by Ámbito Financiero ; “Leo Labs is confident in Milei's turnaround and its military alignment with the United States, a link that could facilitate the reopening of the satellite facility. The gesture of the meeting in Ushuaia with General Laura Richardson, head of the Southern Command, together with Ministers Petri, Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos is a point in their favor," the media analyzes.

The existence of the dual-performance radar (civil/military), whose presence generated severe criticism and warnings from the Ministry of Defense and the highest scientific organizations in aerospace matters in Argentina in August 2023; took center stage again, when last week the Executive Director of the American firm, Tony Frazier , announced a strategic alliance with the Space Command and the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom, in support of that country's development of the first constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, intended to carry out intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.


The announcement cleared up all kinds of doubts about the dual-use (civil/military) capacity of the LeoLabs ground stations or radars deployed in different strategic places on the planet - among them, the one built between 2022 and 2023, at the El Relincho ranch. from Tierra del Fuego- ; leaving without foundation, the all-out defense that the Fuegian governor had been carrying out with unintelligible stubbornness, in that the radar in no way had the capacity for military benefits.

If the strong relations established by Javier Milei's government with the United States, in political, economic, financial, diplomatic and military terms, continue the same course taken during these 7 months of administration; There is no doubt that the information and evaluations carried out by Ámbito Financiero are correct, and that soon; The company will obtain the definitive authorizations for the radar to be installed in Tierra del Fuego; start operating fully.





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