For three months, the military security of the Malvinas will be in charge of a Welsh company

This week the Scots Guard Company, 2 Scots Company, officially handed over responsibility for the land defense unit of the Malvina Islands, for the next three months; to a contingent of the Welsh Guard.

1 de August de 2024 11:17

The commander of the Scottish contingent, left, greets his Welsh counterpart after arriving at the Malvinas military base.

The information was given by the commander in chief of the Scottish Guard in charge of the Roulemant Infantry Company stationed in the Malvinas, who has directed, so far this year; the five military exercises deployed on the islands, together with the Royal Air Force, the Royal Navy and the civil Defense Force of the islands, familiar with the topography of the Islands and the climate.



By Agenda Malvinas


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