Chile on alert for possible incursion of Argentine aircraft into its territory

Chilean Defense Minister Maya Fernández confirmed the version, stating that “yesterday around 8 p.m., in the eastern part of the Strait of Magellan, there was an alert of unidentified air traffic.”

28 de August de 2024 14:17

Sector of the eastern mouth of the Strait of Magellan where the Chilean Air Force detected air traffic.

Yesterday, Cesar Quezada , a Chilean citizen who closely follows his country's military actions, as well as those of Argentina and the United Kingdom in Patagonia and the South Atlantic, reported through his X account that Argentine planes had entered "Chilean airspace at 3,000 feet, between Monte Aymond and the Strait" of Magellan.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

⏰ 20:23 hrs

Argentina entered Chilean airspace at 3000 feet, between Monte Aymond and the Strait

Chabunco Base responded quickly by sending F5 interceptor fighter planes to the area, Argentine media quickly returned to their airspace

Specifically, it reported an alleged flight of Argentine aircraft in the southern tip of the continent between the border of the two countries, in a sector located between the Monte Aymond binational border crossing and the Strait of Magellan, at an altitude of 900 meters.

He also stated that, for this reason , F-5 aircraft were sent from the Chabunco Air Base in Punta Arenas to intercept the Argentine ships, which, he said, returned to our country's airspace.

Quezada 's comment would not have much relevance if this afternoon Chile's own Minister of National Defense, Maya Fernández, would not have publicly confirmed the version, stating that "yesterday (Tuesday, August 27) at around 8 p.m., in the eastern part of the Strait of Magellan, there was an alert of unidentified air traffic. In response to which our Chilean Air Force activated the protocols, taking off the F-5 aircraft to safeguard our sovereignty. After that, contact with that air traffic was lost and at this moment an investigation is being carried out, which is what is appropriate; to say for the peace of mind of all citizens, is that the Air Force activated the protocols and defended our borders and sovereignty as appropriate."

🔴BREAKING NEWS: Defense Minister @Mayafernandeza confirms alert of unidentified air traffic in Magallanes, protocol was activated. F5 planes took off to protect Chilean sovereignty @T13

For its part, the Ministry of Defense or the Argentine Foreign Ministry have not received any response, either affirmatively or negatively, as to which military or civilian aircraft had entered the airspace of the neighboring country.



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