The New York Times highlights the controversy over salmon farming in Chile and the concern in Tierra del Fuego

A recent article in the New York Times has put the environmental risks of salmon farming in Chile, a country that has established itself as one of the main producers of salmon worldwide, at the centre of the controversy. It also highlights the concern in Tierra del Fuego society regarding new projects that seek to change the legislation that prohibits it.

31 de August de 2024 13:33

Opening photo of the New York newspaper article, from August 13.

" In Chile, Salmon Is a Source of Controversy and Opposition ." This is the title of the New York Times article . It mentions concerns about the environmental risks of salmon farming , an industry that has made Chile one of the world's leading salmon producers . As salmon production expands, so do the consequences of adverse effects on the environment , especially in fragile ecosystems.

Paradoxically, in the province of Tierra del Fuego , metallurgical businessman Rubén Cherñajovsky and legislators from the national government are seeking to eliminate the existing ban on the activity due to its adverse effects on the environment.

However, his push for this industry has generated strong rejection among environmental organizations in the region, who point out that the provincial legislature has banned salmon farming in recent years due to the adverse environmental effects generated by mass salmon farming.

Water pollution and the disruption of marine ecosystems are the main negative effects of salmon farming. However, legislators from the Freedom to Advance Party have shown interest in promoting the industry despite its recent ban and warnings about its consequences .

Salmon farming has been heavily criticized for its heavy use of antimicrobials, pollution of waterways and harmful algal blooms ,” the Times article notes.

According to the report prepared for the United Nations by associate professor at the University of British Columbia, David R. Boyd , he recommends suspending the progress of the activity and describes salmon farming as “ one of the main threats to the environment facing Patagonia .”

Boyd 's recommendation calls for " waiting for independent scientific analysis of adverse environmental impacts " before proceeding with the expansion of salmon aquaculture.

By Agenda Malvinas


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