In 2023, the GDP of the Malvinas usurpers was USD 361.7 million

Almost all of Tierra del Fuego's government administration's spending in 2024 could have been financed by fishing plundering alone. Per capita income was USD 108,284.

11 de November de 2024 07:55

Fishing was once again the largest industry and development in the Islands, accounting for approximately 58.6% of nominal GDP.

The occupation government of the Malvina Islands, through the Directorate of Policy, Economics and Corporate Services , published its annual report called: “National Accounts of the Malvinas, fiscal year 2023,” both in current, nominal and constant or real values.

The document is divided into three parts. The first part explains what the “National Accounts” are and analyses some relevant concepts. The second part is a brief narrative report highlighting the main figures and trends identified by these Accounts, and the third part is made up of data tables.

The report indicates that the GDP estimate of the Islands in nominal values during 2023 reached £280.4 million , an increase of 0.6% compared to the previous year of 2022. To give you an idea, measured in dollars, the GDP of Malvinas in 2023 was USD 361.7 million or its equivalent in our currency, 367,668 million pesos .

In 2024, the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands was assigned a total budget of 626.47 billion pesos by law.

Taking into account this last figure, the GDP appropriated by the British usurpation of the Malvinas Islands represented 58.9% of the budget that the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands plans to allocate to government administration; social services; economic services; security and public debt during the entire fiscal year 2024 .

The fishing and aquaculture sector was once again the largest industry and development in the Islands, with approximately 58.6% of nominal GDP , slightly lower than the 58.8% in 2022 .

The amount plundered from fishing and aquaculture by the English usurpers in 2023 alone could have financed almost all of the government administration expenses of the entire province in 2024.

In the meantime, Per capita income was £83,941 (USD 108,284 or 110.07 million pesos) in 2023 , (based on an estimated resident population of 3,328 in 2021 ), just above £83,570 in 2022 .



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