Melella will ask the courts for the “dissolution and liquidation” of the company that owns the English radar

In order to avoid taking political responsibility, or deciding on the permits and authorizations he granted to Leolabs during 2022 and 2023, the governor of Tierra del Fuego is throwing the ball to the Judiciary.

15 de August de 2024 07:27

Ground station or radar, belonging to the British and Irish capital company established in Tierra del Fuego.

The Government of the Province of Tierra del Fuego reported late yesterday through its official channels that "through IGJ Provision No. 607/2024, it resolved to move forward with the action for the dissolution and judicial liquidation of the company "LEOLABS ARGENTINA SRL" in accordance with Law No. 19,550."

A somewhat confusing paragraph that deserves an official clarification, but which seems to indicate -with arguments not yet made known-; that the Provincial Executive Power will file a complaint against LEOLABS ARGENTINA SRL , so that the Tierra del Fuego Justice rules in favor of the " dissolution and liquidation" of the Company.

In addition to this action, they indicated that "as a precautionary measure, they requested that the company (LEOLABS) refrain from carrying out actions aimed at complying with the provisions of its corporate purpose; the Judicial Affairs Area of the General Inspection of Justice is currently intervening."

They also say that "by Provincial Decree No. 1662/24, the Provincial Executive formally rejected (now), the hierarchical appeal filed by LEOLABS ARGENTINA SRL (on September 5, 2023) against Resolution MP and A. No. 860/2023, which voided the (environmental) authorization duly granted to the company due to the lack of authorization from the competent body for its operation ( Undersecretary of Telecommunications and Connectivity of the Chief of Staff of the Nation) , with which - they add - the Ministry of Production and Environment will proceed (one year later) to a new summons for the definitive dismantling of the radar."

The cabinet's choice to speak was the Secretary of Malvinas, Antarctica, South Atlantic Islands and International Affairs, Mr. Andrés Dachary .

Dachary said that “legal teams from different areas of the provincial government have managed to take this significant step to be closer to ending the presence of Leolabs in our province.” And that from this action “we will proceed with the final summons for the dismantling of the infrastructure present at the “El Relincho” ranch, as well as with the loss of the legal status of the company in question through the presentation of a lawsuit for this purpose. This responds to the need to deactivate the threat posed by the company itself as well as to dismantle the infrastructure that has been set up a few kilometers from the city of Tolhuin,” concludes the Secretary of Malvinas.

This is clearly not going to be a simple matter for the Executive Branch, who, a year after the events, now intends to ask the Judicial Branch of the Province to resolve the existence of a radar with civil and military services, which the Political Branch itself authorized.

It is unlikely that LEOLABS will give up its objectives. Therefore, it is very likely that it will appeal the Tierra del Fuego government's requests and that there will not be an immediate resolution tailored to the Melella administration .

Once this case has been opened, perhaps the Judiciary will investigate and also find those politically responsible at the provincial and national level for allowing the installation of a device that violates national security and is incompatible with the national defense policy directive. Just as the Ministry of Defense of the Nation expressed it in great detail last year.


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