Journalists call for action from the national defense to recover Malvinas

Ezequiel Magnani and Mariana Altieri propose changes in the policies for the recovery of the Islands, taking into account that Great Britain continues with the militarization of the region. They argue that military defense should be strengthened, international allies should be selected and the territorial isolation of the usurped archipelagos should be broken.

15 de January de 2025 09:23

They stress that it is imperative for Argentina to act to change a status quo that has only favoured British colonialism.

192 years after the British usurpation of the Malvina Islands , journalists Ezequiel Magnani and Mariana Altieri propose a renewed approach to Argentina's defence policy . Their analysis, published in , highlights the urgent need to break the isolation imposed by the United Kingdom in order to regain sovereignty over the archipelago , in a context in which the lack of action has weakened Argentina's position .

Since the end of the Malvinas War in 1982 , the United Kingdom has repeatedly ignored Argentine calls to negotiate sovereignty while simultaneously militarizing the region , consolidating its dominance .

This trend has consolidated a status quo that favors Great Britain , allowing it to maintain its military presence without depending on Argentine cooperation , which poses a critical challenge: how to dismantle this isolation that reinforces its control .

Magnani and Altieri argue that the UK has not faced significant costs for its refusal to engage in dialogue, which must change.

The key for Argentina is to create a British perception that will lead to negotiation rather than inaction . To this end, the authors stress the need to prioritise the military dimension in the strategy for recovering the islands .

To strengthen national defense , they suggest that policy should focus not only on the Malvinas , but also on the San Pedro and Esquivel Islands (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) . This would require a considerable increase in the defense budget , reinforcing human resources, infrastructure and logistics to face this threat .

The proposals include the creation of the 10th Air Brigade in Río Gallegos and the modernisation of the naval base in Ushuaia. Currently , Argentina allocates only 0.7% of its GDP to defence , a figure that would have to be raised to between 1.5% and 2% to be able to compete with the British military budget .

Increasing defence spending would not only be vital to modernising military capabilities , but is also essential to reversing a trend of declining investment that has left Argentina in third place in military spending in the region, having previously been in first place . This loss of position has limited its ability to act against the British occupation.

Defence strategy should not be limited to the domestic sphere ; it should also consider the international context . The authors stress that Argentina needs to select allies based on their ability to impose costs on the United Kingdom , not on ideological affinities.

The relationship with NATO and the United States presents both benefits and challenges . While NATO could offer valuable intelligence , it could also reinforce the British perception that Argentina is harmless , which plays against our sovereign interest.

Furthermore, rapprochement with the United States , although it may provide access to modern weapons systems , entails uncertainties due to its close relationship with the United Kingdom . Therefore, Argentina must balance its defense and diplomatic strategies , considering that any change in the status quo will necessarily involve the participation of the United States , which exercises control over the security of the region .

In conclusion, Magnani and Altieri urge Argentina to adopt a revisionist defence policy . This stance not only seeks geopolitical strengthening in the South Atlantic , but also aims to increase costs for the United Kingdom and generate incentives for dialogue .

The journalists propose breaking the territorial and artificial isolation of the Malvina Islands from Argentina through an active strategy that seeks to reestablish meaningful ties .

They argue that this isolation has benefited the United Kingdom , allowing it to maintain its control without consequences for its refusal to engage in dialogue. To reverse this situation, they suggest strengthening Argentina's military presence in the region and increasing investment in defence , thus making Britain perceive the costs of its lack of cooperation .

They stress the importance of establishing diplomatic and defence relations that raise the costs for the United Kingdom , facilitating an approach that generates incentives for dialogue and negotiation of sovereignty over the islands .





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