Prefecture detected an Asian vessel fishing illegally in Argentine waters

It is the XinRun 579, which flies the flag of Vanuatu, an island country in the South Pacific that also fishes illegally under British licence in Malvinas waters. The vessel set sail from the Chinese port of Shidao and its company has not been identified.

8 de January de 2025 10:10

The fleet to which the vessel belongs is dedicated to bottom fishing, mainly squid, hake and other species of high commercial value.

Thanks to maritime monitoring technology, the Argentine Naval Prefecture detected this Sunday, January 5, the fishing vessel XinRun 579 , under the Vanuatu flag , carrying out illegal fishing in the Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEA) .

Official information indicates that the Xirun 579 entered the EEZ around noon on Sunday, and remained in the area until the afternoon, sailing off Caleta Olivia, province of Santa Cruz, near the San Jorge Gulf . at a speed of less than 6 knots , which indicates illegal fishing activity

The detection was carried out by the Coast Guard System , operated by the Directorate of Maritime, River and Lake Traffic of the Operations Center of the Coast Guard Building in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Following the interception by the Coast Guard GC-25 Azopardo , the captain of the XinRun 579 was formally notified of the infraction , leading to the corresponding administrative actions for the violation of Law No. 24,922 , which regulates fishing in Argentine waters and seeks to guarantee the sustainability of marine resources .

The Undersecretary of Fisheries, Veterinarian Juan Antonio López Cazorla , was present at the Coast Guard Building to supervise the operation and receive a detailed report on the illegal fishing activity.

The Maritime Traffic Control Center , under the direction of Major Prefect Néstor Kiferling , and General Prefect Carlos Villarreal, carried out decisive actions that facilitated the monitoring of the vessel .

This is a modern trawler that set sail 40 days ago from the port of Shidao in China . It has a predominantly Chinese crew and its owner company has not been publicly identified .

The vessel is part of a new fleet operating in FAO Area 41 , dedicated to bottom fishing , mainly squid, hake and other species of high commercial value.

These vessels usually operate under flags of convenience , making it difficult to identify their true owners and facilitating illegal fishing practices.





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Diego Arin 1 week ago

Buen día. Y que se hace con este buque? Se lo lleva a puerto? Aparte de la infracción, como se cobra? En dólares? Pregunto desde el desconocimiento.

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