The Argentine Aeronautical and Space Chamber (CArAE) , which brings together companies in the sector, proposed a public-private agreement to activate the production and export of the Pampa IA-63 Pampa III aircraft . The project occurs due to the lack of funds from the Nation .
If these initiatives succeed, the continuity of FAdeA's work could be guaranteed, since there are currently six manufacturing structures with 80% completion and about 10 additional ones that reach 57% on average .
In this framework, FAdeA runs the risk of not being able to comply with current contracts and other projects such as the upgrade of the IA-58 Pucará to the Fénix version and the production of the IA-100 Malvina basic trainer.
The intention of CArAE is for private companies to provide financial support in a percentage to be negotiated, then recovering said investment with the exports of the aircraft .
However, for this initiative to prosper, a specific foreign sales plan is required, an established schedule for visits and contact with potential clients , as well as the financial support of a banking entity .
The key role that a credit entity like the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) could play, which has financed companies such as Embraer for their exports, is highlighted.
Despite the current conditions of lack of funds, there is some optimism regarding the export potential of the Pampa aircraft ; because countries such as Nigeria, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay have shown interest in acquiring these aircraft.