"Citizen Embrace": Milei's initiative to recognize Veterans without talking about Malvinas

The government announced a series of events in patriotic acts to strengthen the bond with former combatants, under the official narrative that the Dictatorship wrote; but without addressing the existence of a colonial enclave, which expanded throughout the South Atlantic as a consequence of the war, and which is projected towards Antarctica.

4 de June de 2024 19:54

On June 14 there could not be “maximum resistance,” when a large majority of a total of 12,800 soldiers transferred to the islands did not enter combat.

The National Government announced in the last few hours that it will carry out a series of events for citizens to recognize the Veterans of the Malvinas War.

Through Resolution 553/2024 published in the Official Gazette, the Ministry of Defense of Argentina decided to “permanently promote the sense of belonging of the Veterans of the Malvinas War with the Armed Forces and Security Forces and disseminate the Deed of Malvinas in order to grant them comprehensive recognition of the service provided to the country, and incorporate the concept of 'Citizen Hug' to the relationship between citizens and the Veteran."

The initiative is only military and supports the success epic that the dictatorship narrated. It is the same one that Nicolas Kasanzew continues to repeat 42 years later. It is limited to the 74 days of the conflict, omitting the existence of the 191 years of British colonial occupation and its consequences, in territorial, diplomatic, economic and sovereign terms, that the war caused; and that President Javier Milei, like Chancellor Diana Mondino; They want to continue it under the policy of delivering wealth and natural resources that Carlos Menen inaugurated between 1989 and 1990, with the Treaties of Madrid I and II.

The proposal will be executed under the coordination of the Secretary of Strategy and Military Affairs, and through the General Secretaries of the Armed Forces and Security Forces the planning, and will request the support of the National Commission of Former Combatants of Malvinas of the Ministry of the Interior .

“Those responsible for Institutional Communication of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces and Security Forces will coordinate a Dissemination Plan in a centralized manner, so that each action that is developed is accompanied by audiovisual content with the purpose of being disseminated through the established communication policies,” reported the portfolio in charge of Luis Petri.

It is a job that the Government divided into four stages. In the first of them , June 14 will be established as the commemorative date of the “Day of Maximum Resistance”, in order to highlight the heroism, dedication and bravery demonstrated by War Veterans in the final defense of Puerto Argentino. It corresponds to the day of the supposed greatest resistance of the Malvinas Military Garrison, and coincides with the beginning of the return to the continent of the Veterans as Prisoners of War, with July 14 being the last delivery of prisoners in Puerto Madryn.

This first stage is part of the success story of the dictatorship that the Milei government wants to resurrect; a non-existent act and far from the reality of the moment, since that June 14 there could not have been “maximum resistance” when a large majority of a total of 12,800 soldiers transferred to the islands did not enter combat by the exclusive decision of the leadership military, and there were only some companies and sections of Battalions and Regiments, who faced from the positions, without going to look for the enemy; to the advance of the British troops who, after landing on May 21 in San Carlos, marched towards Puerto Argentina.

The second stage will be to call on Veterans and family members to renew the oath and loyalty to the flag, in combat units; the third, established for July 9 “Independence Day” ; make them participate in military parades, and the fourth; recognize the citizens and the public and private institutions that contributed their efforts during the war.


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