Milei's government begs to join the OECD

This is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, headed by the United States, France, Great Britain and Germany. The entry was managed by Macri and again promoted by the liberals, after having rejected Argentina's entry into the BRIC.

1 de September de 2024 13:51

The reception of the Foreign Minister Diana Mondino and part of the national cabinet, to the Secretary General of the OECD Mathias Cormann.

On Thursday 29th in the afternoon, the event “Argentina in the OECD: challenges and opportunities of the accession process” was held at the Alvear Palace. The event was attended by the Foreign Minister, Diana Mondino , and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo . Also present were the Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann , and the head of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI), Francisco de Santibañes .

Also in attendance were the head of the Argentine Business Association (AEA), Jaime Campos ; and diplomatic representatives from the United Kingdom, Kirsty Hayes ; from Belgium; from Turkey, Süleyman Ömür Budak ; and from Australia, Simon Twisk ; among other attendees, detailed the newspaper Jornada .


Argentina already has the status of observer country, in the general scope of the OECD .


The Secretary General of the OECD was in charge of presenting , while Mondino and Caputo gave the opening speech after the words of the president of CARI, Santibañes .

"This step is of fundamental political importance for the Argentine Government as a tool for legitimizing and deepening the economic reforms implemented ," the Foreign Ministry had explained to the mdz portal.

The process to join the OECD is not easy, it can even take around five years, complying with the institutional, economic and governance requirements demanded by the organization.

During Mauricio Macri's government, the desire to join the OECD was expressed and the Action Plan required to advance with the admission process was delivered.  But things cooled down when Alberto Fernández arrived at Casa Rosada .


The Milei government, in one of the first measures it took, rejected Argentina's entry into the BRICS. With its policy of automatic alignment with the West, efforts were resumed to get Argentina admitted into the OECD.


The OECD is an international cooperation body made up of 38 states with the purpose of coordinating economic and social policies to maximize their growth and promote the development of both member countries and non-member countries.

Founded in 1961 by powers such as the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Germany, it has its headquarters at the Château de la Muette in Paris.

“The group’s objectives include contributing to the economic expansion of its member countries and those in the process of development. Its focus includes the expansion of world trade, the promotion of economic growth and employment, and the constant improvement of the standard of living. It also advocates maintaining financial stability and contributing to the development of the global economy ,” highlighted the newspaper Página|12.

The day after the event, Diana Mondino and Mathias Cormann had lunch with Governors of Argentine provinces, "with the aim of federalizing information about the process of our country's accession to the OECD," the Foreign Ministry reported.

Among the leaders who attended the lunch were the Governors of the provinces of Chaco, Leandro Zdero ; Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio ; Chubut, Ignacio Torres ; San Luis, Claudio Poggi ; Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro ; Santiago del Estero, Gerardo Zamora ; and Jujuy, Carlos Sadir ; the Vice Governor of Córdoba, Myriam Prunotto ; and the Vice Governor of Catamarca, Rubén Roberto Dusso .

Also participating in yesterday's lunch were the Secretary of Finance, Pablo Quirno, the Secretary of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Cima ; and the Ambassador of our country to France, Ian Sielecki , among others.

Foreign Minister Mondino said: “We want to strengthen Argentina's insertion in the world and this is a tool that deepens the political, economic and cultural reforms that are necessary to carry it out. It is a tool that leads us to a qualitative change, it allows us to orient ourselves in the different paths that other successful countries have already taken, where we can take the examples of good practices that they have had.”

Mondino also pointed out that Mathias Cormann “has held various meetings with his team and I believe he has become convinced of the commitment of both the National Government and the provinces. He has had interviews with the labour area, with the CGT, with the business sectors, even with academics and a think tank.”

As can be seen, the policy of automatic alignment with the United States, United Kingdom and Israel axis does not prevent government officials and part of the Argentine leadership from reconciling and integrating into organizations that are made up of the British invading enemy that occupies our Malvinas Islands and a significant part of our territories and seas in the South Atlantic .





Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship


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