They ask that only the Ministry of Defense issue certificates for war veterans and that the registry be closed

The controversy raised by the Confederation of Malvinas Combatants revolves around the latest certificate signed by Commodore César Grando, which recognizes a new veteran for his participation in the South Atlantic conflict, although his role was logistics from the continent.

13 de January de 2025 09:34

Roble said that "with this certificate they then request tax exemption, municipal subsidies and confuse the population and officials."


The Confederation of Malvinas Combatants of the Argentine Republic requested that the Ministry of Defense become the sole body responsible for issuing war veteran certificates .

The petition comes after a new war veteran was recognized for having taken part in the Malvinas conflict, fulfilling functions of “ operational and/or logistical support in the continental deployment zone .” This fact revived the discussion about the identification and validation of those who participated in the 1982 war .

In the statement issued by the Confederation , its president , Ramón Robles , criticized the Argentine Air Force for seeking to have members of the force included in the registry of veterans . He also asked the Minister of Defense “ to close the registers of war veterans .”

" We will not allow titles and honours to be usurped through the negligence of someone who does not know the horror of war ," said the official, adding that " with this certificate they then ask for tax exemption, municipal subsidies and confuse the population and the officials ."

For Robles and his organization, this is a substitution of the true meaning of being a war veteran and a lack of respect towards those who were involved in the fighting that took place on the islands .

The former combatant recalled that during the administration of Defense Minister Oscar Aguad , under the presidency of Mauricio Macri , between 2017 and 2019 , a Coordination of War Veterans was created. This measure was intended to unify the process and prevent different armed forces from issuing certificates independently .

The background of this problem can be traced back to laws and resolutions that have left legal loopholes, since Law No. 23,109 of 1984 , which grants rights and benefits to ex-combatants , the Argentine Air Force has shown a tendency to consider its members as a separate class , which has resulted in the creation of categories of veterans that exclude them from general legislation .

Robles pointed out that while " our veteran comrades are dying every day, these guys continue to create veterans who were not even close to combat ."







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