An executive jet from the Uruguayan AEROMAS has just landed in the Malvinas

It took off at 11:47 from Montevideo and touched down at 15:04.

21 de September de 2023 15:22

Learjet 60 Registration CX-SCA of the AEROMAS SA aviation company touching down at the NATO military base in Malvinas.

The Learjet 60 Registration CX-SCA of the AEROMAS SA aviation company based in Montevideo, Uruguay; has just landed at the Mount Pleasant/Monte Agradable military base, in the Malvinas.

The aircraft used the Argentine commercial aviation route that runs from south to north along the Patagonian coast, until at the height of Puerto Deseado it turned southwest and headed towards the islands usurped by Great Britain.

This is not a medical plane, referrals or emergency medical evacuations.

By Agenda Malvinas


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