Uruguay has a Learjet 60 at the disposal of the usurpers of the Malvinas

Within 72 hours, the Learjet 60 registration CX-SCA of the Uruguayan company AEROMAS SA flew twice between Montevideo and the Malvina Islands, and once from the Malvinas to Santiago de Chile.

26 de September de 2024 16:14

The LearJet 60 of the Aeromas company of Uruguay flying yesterday afternoon from the Malvina Islands to Santiago de Chile.

According to the flight tracking platform flightradar24, the modern jet took off from Montevideo airport at 10:28 on Monday 23rd and landed at the Monte Agradable/Mount Pleasant military base in the Malvinas at 13:35. Forty minutes later, it made a reverse route to its place of origin, where it arrived at 17:19.

A similar flight took place yesterday, Wednesday 25th. In this case, it took off from Uruguay's main airport at 10:35 and landed in Malvinas at 13:40.

On this occasion, the LearJet 60 did not return to Montevideo, but flew to the Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Santiago, Chile, taking off from Monte Agradable/Mount Pleasant at 14:15, touching down in Santiago at 17:39; and then returning to Carrasco Airport, Montevideo , where it landed at 20:40, after a flight of 10 hours and 5 minutes.

Both on the way there and back, or in all cases, the aircraft flew over Argentine territory. In the first section, over the national maritime jurisdiction, and later also over the sea and above the continental national area, in a transversal crossing north of Comodoro Rivadavia, in Chubut, and leaving the country through Malargue, in Mendoza.

This is not a medical aircraft, for referrals or emergency medical evacuations. On the contrary, it is an excellent mid-size executive jet with capacity for 8 passengers, finely renovated in 2021 in the United States. “The best choice for private flights with international destinations, allowing its clients to travel wherever and whenever they want as if they were in their own plane,” describes the company itself on its website.

What it is about, who chartered it, how many people are occupying it, how long they will remain in the Malvinas, and specifically, why the Argentine Foreign Ministry authorizes it , is information reserved for a few and not for the millions of Argentines who are unaware of how their own government allows the British colonial consolidation in the South Atlantic.




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Santiago Pereira 4 months ago

As a private Uruguayan pilot, I believe it is necessary to clarify certain points regarding the publication about the medical flights carried out by Aeromás, and also to express my personal opinion about the jurisdiction of the Falkland Islands. First of all, it is important to emphasize that all Aeromás flights in this operation have been medical and humanitarian, carried out with the corresponding authorizations from the Argentine aviation authorities, who designated the specific routes for these transfers. These flights are part of contracts with a British medical insurance company and have been conducted solely to address medical emergencies, with no other interest than saving lives. In such circumstances, neutrality is essential, and the commitment is always to the health and safety of the patients. Now, regarding the Falkland Islands issue, it is my personal belief that they rightfully belong to Uruguay for historical and geographical reasons. However, Uruguay has never formally claimed sovereignty over the islands, fortunately because we never had a leader like Galtieri, who chose the path of confrontation. Our nation has always opted for diplomacy and respect for international law to resolve conflicts, and I firmly believe that this remains the best approach for any legitimate claim. Nevertheless, I particularly sympathize with your Vice President Villaruel and believe that your government, although I may not agree with everything, is on the right track with pragmatism, fundamentally thinking of what is best for the country, setting aside pride, arrogance, and vanity, which lead only to the death of innocents.

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Santiago Pereira 4 months ago

Como piloto privado uruguayo, considero necesario aclarar ciertos puntos respecto a la publicación sobre los vuelos sanitarios realizados por Aeromás, y también expresar mi opinión personal sobre la jurisdicción de las Islas Malvinas. En primer lugar, es importante destacar que todos los vuelos de Aeromás en esta operación han sido sanitarios y humanitarios, realizados con las correspondientes autorizaciones de las autoridades aeronáuticas argentinas, quienes designaron las rutas específicas para estos traslados. Estos vuelos responden a contratos con un seguro médico británico y se han realizado únicamente para atender emergencias médicas, sin otro interés más que salvar vidas. En este tipo de circunstancias, la neutralidad es esencial, y el compromiso es siempre con la salud y la seguridad de los pacientes. Ahora bien, respecto a la cuestión de las Islas Malvinas, es mi convicción personal que estas pertenecen legítimamente a Uruguay por razones históricas y geográficas. Sin embargo, Uruguay nunca ha reclamado formalmente su soberanía sobre las islas, afortunadamente porque no tuvimos un gobernante como Galtieri, que eligiera la vía de la confrontación. Nuestra nación ha optado siempre por la diplomacia y el respeto al derecho internacional para resolver los conflictos, y creo firmemente que esta sigue siendo la mejor ruta para cualquier reclamo legítimo. No obstante, simpatizo especialmente con vuestra Sra. Vicepresidente Villaruel y pienso que vuestro gobierno, aunque no comulgue con todo, está en el buen camino con pragmatismo, y fundamentalmente pensando en lo mejor para su país dejando de lado orgullos, soberbias y vanidades que no conducen más que a la muerte de inocentes.

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