They accept a minimum payment in installments for the Patagonian toothfish that the Tai An vessel captured illegally

Although the Law sets a fine equivalent to the market value of the illegal catch at the time of arrival at port, the Undersecretariat of Fisheries accepted the company's proposal to pay 30%, but of the final product, and in three installments. .

7 de May de 2024 13:52

According to INDEC data for the month of March, the average value of toothfish was 25,258 dollars per ton, which would bring the total amount to 3.51 million dollars, but the fine will be 2.5 million.

The PRODESUR company achieved a reduction in the fine to be able to market the toothfish that it had caught illegally in the Argentine sea on the international market . The money you will have to pay amounts to 30% of the value of the final product obtained in the load.

According to Puerto magazine , the owner of PRODESUR, Liu Zhijiang, offered the Undersecretary of Fisheries the payment of 30% of 90 tons of final product that he would have obtained illegally, for which the amount to be paid by the company would be 2. 5 million dollars .

Thus the boat would be released for dispatch with the aim of continuing fishing in Argentine territory and the firm will be able to market the Patagonian toothfish in the foreign market.

The measure was approved by the Undersecretary of Fisheries, Juan Antonio López Cazorla, who ordered the Argentine Naval Prefecture to release the ship from the dock in the city of Ushuaia and notified Customs of the authorization to market the product.

This is an unprecedented resolution of a conflict of this type , taking into account that current regulations indicate that the total value of the merchandise must be paid so that the ship can be released.

“In cases in which the capture considered illegal is confiscated, it may be replaced by an amount in money equivalent to the market value of said capture at the time of the vessel's arrival at port, as regulated by the enforcement authority,” says the law.

For its part, the newspaper Clarín highlighted that "the Ministry of Economy had reported that of the 139 tons of toothfish seized, the fishing authority (Undersecretariat of Fisheries) ordered to replace it with an amount in money equivalent to the market value at the time of arrival at port of the vessel in question", and that "at that time, the amount was calculated at 2,500 million pesos", and "that money, once paid, was going to be deposited into the National Fisheries Fund (FONAPE)".

However, INIDEP (National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development) reported that the catch was 175 tons . The captured cargo is mostly juvenile specimens of a species protected throughout the planet .

In turn, the Buenos Aires media outlet detailed that “according to INDEC data for the month of March, the average value of toothfish was $25,258 per ton, which would bring the total amount to $3.51 million,” and He added that “the 2.5 million dollars arise from 90 tons of final product that Prodesur would have obtained,” which is why “it is clearly a lower value than what was declared on the surface.”



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