The Irizar completed refueling at the Esperanza Antarctic Base

Using landing craft (EDPV) and semi-rigid boats, the crew of the icebreaker ARA "Almirante Irízar" managed to deliver 120,000 liters of Antarctic fuel and the last general cargo for the operation of Base Esperanza.

17 de January de 2025 09:12

Now the icebreaker ARA “Almirante Irízar” is heading to the Orcadas Base.

The icebreaker ARA "Almirante Irízar" (RHAI) completed resupply at the Joint Antarctic Base (BAC) Esperanza , one of the seven permanent bases that Argentina maintains on the white continent . This is one of the final stages of the 2024/25 Summer Antarctic Campaign.

The national vessel entered Esperanza Bay , located in the Antarctic Strait of the Antarctic Peninsula . The task was to unload the last shipments of general cargo and 120,000 liters of Antarctic fuel and was carried out with personnel landing craft , vehicles (EDPV) and MK6 semi-rigid boats .

With the replenishment in Esperanza completed, the ARA “Almirante Irízar” heads towards the Orcadas Base . Part of the incoming crew will prepare for wintering and will live for approximately one month with the outgoing team, who will be evacuated in the next phase of operations .

On the other hand, operations were carried out a few days ago at the Petrel and Decepción Bases. In this case, after finishing its tasks in Esperanza Bay , the ARA “Puerto Argentino” (AVPA) arrived in the area after having transported the crew that reopened the Decepción Base a few days ago.

There, both ships of the Argentine Navy worked on the transfer of various structures and construction materials destined to continue with the works in Petrel . Steel columns and trusses were placed on the deck of the AVPA , allowing the ship to then head towards Petrel to unload the necessary materials .





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