Document Letter to Mondino to defend the Argentine position in the Malvinas against the English advance

The CECIM informed the Chancellor so that, within 24 hours; produce the pertinent official communications, in open opposition to the British advance in the Malvinas Islands and the South Atlantic.

7 de March de 2024 13:37

"Such contempt deserves the label of infamy and places her in a situation of betrayal of the Homeland," the CECIM expressed to her.

The Malvinas Islands Ex-Combatants Center, La Plata (CECIM) urged Chancellor Diana Mondino to comply with Art. 27 and the First Transitory Provision of the National Constitution , and with resolutions 2065/XX and 41/11 of the Assembly General of the United Nations.

“We see with astonishment and great concern how you, being Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Nation, therefore a plenipotentiary, maintain institutional/official silence in the face of the provocations of the United Kingdom, such as the case of the visit of the British Chancellor, David Cameron to our Malvina Islands; or the military exercises that the colonial power deploys over our territory and national waters; or the unilateral and illegal vocation of Great Britain to extend the oceanic exclusion zone over an area of 166,000 square kilometers,” says the CECIM by Letter Document to Mondino.

The full text of the LETTER DOCUMENT

TO THE CHANCELLOR OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, DIANA ELENA MONDINO: I am addressing you in my capacity as President of the Malvinas Islands La Plata Ex-Combatants Center   (CECIM) , in order to notify you, within 24 hours of receiving the presentation, to fully comply with the mandate of article 27 of the National Constitution, which states that " The federal government is obliged to strengthen its relations of peace and commerce with foreign powers through treaties that are in accordance with the principles of public law established in this Constitution ", as well as with the content of the first transitional provision of the National Constitution, which reads " The Argentine Nation ratifies its legitimate and imprescriptible sovereignty over the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the corresponding maritime and island spaces, as they are an integral part of the national territory. The recovery of said territories and the full exercise of sovereignty, respecting the way of life of their inhabitants, and in accordance with the principles of international law, constitute a permanent and inalienable objective of the Argentine people . Likewise, we urge you, within the same period, to comply with the terms of Resolution 2065 of the United Nations General Assembly; and Resolution 41/11 of the United Nations General Assembly that revitalizes the “South Atlantic Zone of Peace and Cooperation”. From the Malvinas La Plata Islands Ex-Combatants Center that I chair, We see with astonishment and great concern how you, being Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Nation, therefore a plenipotentiary, maintain institutional/official silence in the face of the provocations of the United Kingdom, such as the case of the visit of the British Chancellor, David Cameron to our Malvinas Islands; or the military exercises that the colonial power deploys over our territory and national waters; or the unilateral and illegal vocation of Great Britain to extend the oceanic exclusion zone over an area of 166,000 square kilometers.

At this point, I express to you that, as it arises from the statute of the entity that I preside over, I have the corporate mandate to “ Defend sovereign rights in the South Atlantic, Malvinas, Georgia and South Sandwich from all colonialist and imperialist domination. ” I remind you that you have sworn by the National Constitution, the national laws and the full validity of the Rule of Law, so you are obliged not only to fully know the regulations, but to act accordingly, generating expressions, claims, complaints and corresponding actions that tend to strengthen the claim for Argentine sovereignty of the Malvinas, South Atlantic Islands and surrounding maritime spaces. It is their duty to promote the proliferation and consecration of peace, as an instrumental human right, in the understanding that the basis military that the United Kingdom maintains in the Malvinas threatens the security of the region, and conditions the position of the Argentine Republic through warlike imposition . You are in flagrant breach of the duties of a public official (art.248 Penal Code Likewise, you lack respect for the memory of the Malvinas ex-combatants, for the fallen, for those who lie in our Malvinas. Such contempt deserves the label of infamy and places you in a situation of betrayal to the Homeland.

Therefore, within the period indicated above , asserting the sovereign sense and the principle of territorial integrity, the Argentine maritime and bicontinental worldview, and clearly expressing to the international community that THE MALVINAS, SOUTH ATLANTIC ISLANDS AND SURROUNDING MARITIME SPACES WERE , THEY ARE AND WILL BE ARGENTINE . The above, under warning of criminal reporting for failure to comply with the duties of a public official. YOU ARE DULY NOTIFIED. -




                                                                                                                                                                                             Rodolfo Carrizo

                                                                                                                                                                                             DNI 11,546,239

President CECIM La Plata


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