Galicians are going to the Malvinas to evaluate the quality and quantity of the existing squid

A scientific investigation aboard the Golden Chicha vessel will assess the volume of squid, following the frustrated 2024 winter season, where its 16 vessels caught less than 11 thousand tons.

21 de January de 2025 11:47

The freezer ship “Golden Chicha”, leaving the docks of Beiramar, where it is based, on January 4.

The first ship of the Spanish fleet based in the Galician port of Vigo is already in the South Atlantic and is sailing south of Puerto Madryn. It is the freezer ship “Golden Chicha” FK 0512, which set sail on January 5 from the docks of Beiramar, where it is based, bound for the Malvinas Islands.

During a three-week trip, the fleet will confirm whether the extremely low squid numbers recorded during last year's winter have changed or are still the same. The fleet will not leave Vigo until a scientific assessment is made.

Due to this situation, at the end of 2024, the illegitimate British government that usurps the islands from Argentina implemented a deferral order regarding the payment of fishing licenses in favor of the companies that plunder the waters surrounding the Malvinas.


The description of the robbery, from the Spanish press

To do this, they sent the “Golden Chicha”, a freezer belonging to the Chymar shipowner , of the Touza family , “as an advance party to carry out a preliminary experimental campaign and assess the situation of the loligo squid fishing ground. The operation will begin on February 5 , but the ship needs at least three weeks to reach the Malvinas, the British name for the islands claimed by Argentina”, explained the Spanish newspaper El Atlántico.

The vessel will spend 16 days monitoring the fishery and will carry, in addition to the crew and sailors, four contracted scientists on board, who will be responsible for evaluating the biomass.

“The last campaign of 2024 had to be cancelled due to the fact that there were less than 11,000 tons of squid. Faced with this situation, the 16 boats linked to the Vigo Shipowners' Cooperative (ARVI), but registered in the Malvinas thanks to the collaboration agreements between Vigo businessmen and the islanders , chose not to fish cephalopods and to dedicate themselves to other species”; the media outlet details , in a stark description of how, in the eyes of the world and with the complicit silence of the Argentine, Spanish and British governments, they are planning the monumental plundering of Argentines' natural resources in the South Atlantic.



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