According to the data provided by the 2008 National Agricultural Census , in the Patagonian provinces there are 501 agricultural establishments of more than 20,000 hectares (latifundios), distributed as follows: Neuquén 29, Río Negro 74, Chubut 181, Santa Cruz 200 and Tierra del Fuego 17 .
The other fact to take into account in this list is that the percentage of land in the hands of foreigners in Patagonia, according to the National Registry of Rural Lands , is 6.2%, it is clear that in this list they must Argentine names predominate.
1) Benetton Group (Italy) 900,000 hectares , managed by the company “Compañía de Tierras del Sud Argentino”. Estancias: Caleufu (Neuquén), Pilcaniyeu, San Pedro, Cañadón Blanco, Etido, Colonia Maitén and the attempted usucapion of Huanhué ( Río Negro), El Maitén, Leleque, Fofocahuel, Firtihuín, Lepá, Esquel and usurpation of neighboring fields (Chubut) Coronel and El Cóndor (Santa Cruz). Livestock, forestry and mining businesses.
2) Menéndez Family (Arg.) 750,000 hectares in the provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego. A branch of this family is part of La Anónima SA, a company that carried out the ethnic sweep of the extreme south of Argentine-Chilean Patagonia , owned by the Braun-Menéndez-Reynal family. The supermarket chain of the same name has 159 branches in 80 cities and is currently chaired by Federico Menéndez. This corporate group also founded numerous large companies in various areas that were sold, disposed of by the status or disappeared: Astilleros Río de la Plata, Austral Líneas Aéreas, Seguros Aconcagua, Seguros La Agrícola, Medicus Medicina Privada, Sociedad Argentina Constructora, Editorial Santillana, Editorial Emecé, etc…
All the current successors, owners of these lands, are direct descendants of José María Menéndez Menéndez and María Behety Chapital, who had 10 children.One of these daughters married Mauricio Braun, who became the largest landowner in Argentine history, monopolizing more than 4.5 million hectares, an area equivalent to twice the province of Tucumán.
All of these lands are not managed together, as in the previous case, but through several different companies, according to each branch of the family. However, they are all commercially linked to each other in one way or another. Furthermore, The Menéndez-Brauns as a whole have a very strong impact on the Argentine economy as price makers, both for livestock inputs for the industry and for merchandise and food in general.
These are the properties of the Braun-Menéndez:
– Estancia Maria Behety (Río Grande, TDF) 62,000 hectares. Owners Menéndez-Fernández. It has the largest shearing shed in the world.
– Estancia Sara Braun (Río Grande, TDF) 64,000 hectares. Braun-Lasala Properties.
– Estancias José Menéndez (Río Grande, TDF) 20,000 hectares. Owners Caminos-Braun.
– Estancia Anita (El Calafate, SC) 66,000 hectares. Owners La Anónima SAIn this property the end of the strikes known as the “Patagonia Rebelde” took place with the shooting of 610 workers on December 10, 1921, who were taken there by the Argentine Army, from different points in the region.
– Estancia Alta Vista (El Calafate, SC) 75,000 hectares. Owners La Amónima SA
– Glencross Ranch (Río Penitentes, SC) 45,000 hectares. Owners: Menéndez.
– Estancia La Primavera (Río Turbio, SC) 20,000 hectares. Owners Menéndez.
– Tapi-Aike Ranch (Río Turbio, SC) 60,000 hectares.Braun-Viel Temperley.
– Rospentek Ranch (Río Gallegos, SC) 90,000 hectares. Braun owners.
– Estancia Valle Huemules (Río Huemules, Cht) 20,000 hectares. Owners Behethy-Milward – Estancia La Pepita, (Alto Río Senguerr Cht) 70,000 hectares. Owners Menendez-Braun. The famous horses Gato and Mancha are natives of this ranch, which crossed the American continent in a journey of 15,000 kilometers carried out between 1925 and 1928.
– Estancia Quichaura (Tecka, Cht) 117,000 hectares. Owners Braun-Estrugamou.
– Laura and Laurita Ranches (Governor Costa, Cht), 58,000 hectares. Owners Braun-Lahusen.
3) Walbrook Group (Great Britain) 600,000 hectares , managed by the company “Nieves de Mendoza”. Properties: Campo el Álamo, Las Juntas, Los Molles, Las Leñas, Valle Hermoso, Los Amarillos, Agua del Toro, Río Colorado, all located in the south of Mendoza. In these properties are the most visited tourist places in Malargüe: the Niña Encantada lagoon, the Pozo de las Ánimas, the Los Molles thermal center, the Las Leñas Ski Center, the Valle Hermoso Lagoon and others. mountain water mirrors.
For several years, the administrator of these lands was René Chaumont, of Ailín-co SA (a company that also appears on this list). The properties of this corporation were purchased from the Bunge & Born Group.
4) Lázaro Báez (Arg.) 470,000 hectares : 25 ranches in the province of Santa Cruz. All of these properties were purchased between 2008 and 2015. Currently all of them are being intervened by the justice system and Lazaro Báez is in prison.
The Estancias are the following: Alquinta (southwest of Río Gallegos), Los Baguales, Coronel Garumba and La Verdadera Argentina (in the Río Vizcachas area); La Santafesina, La Julia, La Entrerriana, La Ana, Cruz Aike, La Porteña, El Campamento, Río Bote, El Relincho, El Rincón, Arroyo del Italiano (in the area of the Santa Cruz River dams); La Irma, Laguna de los Cisnes, La Irenita, La Paloma, Los Gurises and Río Olnie, Manantial Alto (in Bajo Caracoles); Cerro del Paso, El Molle and La Fe (In Jaramillo).
5) Sapag Family (Arg.) 420,000 hectares in the province of Neuquén. The Sapag family governs Neuquén and almost all the municipalities of that province, holding positions in the Provincial Legislature and the National Congress, for more than 50 years. They also control public works in that province, construction and mining.
The Sapags are related and politically and commercially allied with other well-known families from Neuquén who also participate in this property and real estate business conglomerates: Crexell, Jalil, Temi, Majluf, Asmar, Saade, Rousillon, Forestier, etc...
Where these properties are most concentrated is near the towns of Cutral-có, Zapala, Las Coloradas, Chos Malal, El Cholar, El Huecú, Junín de los Andes and San Martín de los Andes. Recently they also began to acquire properties minors in the Vaca Muerta area.
6) Heilongjiang Beidahuang Group (China) 330,000 hectares : Colonia Josefa, Negro Muerto, Guardia Miter, Colonia Margen Norte, La Japonesa and other ranches in the Middle Valley (Río Negro). These properties are for lease with an option to purchase.
The Chinese project includes the planting of soybeans in all these fields, which was officially authorized in 2011 by the then governor of Río Negro, Miguel Saiz, through the signing of an agreement.
Currently, this mega-project is stopped by a court order. However, the Chinese continue to lease the lands, and have also leased an undetermined surface area of fields in the adjacent area of the Province of Buenos Aires (Carmen de Patagones and Villarino).
7) Pérez Companc Family (Arg.) 290,000 hectares . Estancias Santa Ana (El Turbio), San Benito (Cmdte.Piedrabuena), San Ramón (Puerto Deseado), Santa María (Lake Buenos Aires), El Talismán (Corcovado, Chubut) These properties are managed through the firm Goyaique Sacif, based in Uruguay. The corporation also owns and/or leases a similar amount of land in other regions of the country, mainly the humid pampas.
The Pérez Companc group emerged in the early 70's with oil and financial activities, then expanded to the agricultural sector, industry, construction, petrochemicals, nuclear, services and food. For this, the different state mechanisms of income transfers.
Through its companies, the group became one of the largest corporate conglomerates in the country. According to Forbes, its owner, Gregorio Pérez Companc, has a fortune of 1,570 million dollars, occupying 4th place in Argentina and the place 1,376 in the world.
8) Zingoni-Arze Family (Arg.) 250,000 hectares in the province of Neuquén. Fields in Catan Lil, Collón Curá and Piedra del Águila, mainly. Livestock businesses. Estancias Los Remolinos, Las Blancas, Las Coloradas, El Salitral, Las Cortaderas , La Verde, Casa de Piedra and Nahuel Mapi (Catan Lil); San Bernardo, Corral de Piedra, Ache-có and Pil Pil (Sañicó); La Ema, Campo del Norte and Santo Tomás (San Ignacio).
Until 1966, all these properties were managed by a single company: Corporación Zingoni SA, then 9 different corporations were formed that continue to this day in the hands of the heirs of the owners of that company.
9) Ochoa-Paz Family (Arg) 180,000 hectares . Estancias Tecka, Caridad and El Corcovado (Chubut). It is a remnant left by the former owners of the Compañía de Tierras del Sud Argentino, after the sale of the company and its fields to Benetton.Livestock and tourism businesses.According to Forbes, Estancia Tecka is considered the most expensive property in Argentina, being valued at 22 million dollars.
10) Larminat-Montalembert Family (Arg.) 170,000 hectares in Neuquén and Tierra del Fuego. Estancia Despedida, Río Grande, (TDF); Estancias Rincón de los Pinos, La Porteña, Tipiliuke, Chacabuco, etc. (Nqn). Livestock and tourism businesses.
11) Minera Vale (Brazil) 160,000 hectares in the south of Mendoza and north of Neuquén, where the concessions of the Potasio Río Colorado mega-mining project are located. This corporation, which is the largest in its country, abandoned the extractive project when it was ending its construction, for speculative reasons and laying off 6,600 employees. At least half of these lands were purchased by the firm to relocate the original population located in the project area, to which the territory was given on loan.
12) Somuncura Patagonia SA (France) 155,000 hectares .Various fields on the Somuncura Plateau, Río Negro. The Company belongs to Patrick Jean Marie Rey and Hubert Esteban Rey. They are business partners of Lewis and Van Dittmar, the latter was the real estate agent who facilitated the purchase of the land.
13) El Palauco SA (Arg.) 150,000 hectares in Bardas Blancas, Sierras de Palau-co and Laguna Llancanelo (south of Mendoza). Company owned by Sergio Rostagno, Luis Demarchi and Carlos Santalesa. The owners are exclusively dedicated to the felling business. , although some of the current occupants have obtained supplementary titles.
In this property are the Witches' Cavern and the Pincheyra Castles, tourist sites of Malargüe and provincial protected areas formally constituted by law, but so far without having been constituted as properties of the Government of Mendoza. In the case of the second, the Mendoza's government has not even taken possession of it.
14) Rabbi Elimeir Libersohn (USA) 140,000 hectares in San Antonio Oeste and 25 de Mayo (Río Negro), Puelén (south of La Pampa) and Gobernador Gregores (Santa Cruz). In addition, he owns 200,000 hectares in La Rioja and smaller fields in Buenos Aires. In the case of the lands in La Rioja, this North American religious and magnate is being investigated by the justice system, both the act of purchasing such lands, as well as the origin of the funds destined for the operation.
15) Gold Corp (Canada) 130,000 hectares : Estancias Los Mirasoles, El Retiro, Los Pinos, True Aike, Pirámides, La Aurora, Balcarce, Maria Aike and La Patricia (Santa Cruz). Megamining corporation with several projects on the Deseado Plateau. .
16) Bemberg Group (Arg.) 130,000 hectares : they own one ranch in the Province of Neuquén and two in Santa Cruz (El Tranquilo and La Bajada), the latter through the English corporation Patagonia Gold, of which they are shareholders and owners This corporate group is owned by the Miguens-Bemberg family, they have a stake in Patagonia Gold, Sadesa, Central Puerto, Hidroeléctrica Piedra del Águila and the Argentine subsidiary of the oil company Total. It is a business partner of Mindlin, Burco and Lewis. They were founders of the Quilmes Brewery and for several decades they owned the main breweries in the country, the brewery holding company was sold in the 90's to the Belgian group Ambev.
17) Trillum Corporation (USA) 125,000 hectares in Tierra del Fuego, of which 70,000 are its own and 55,000 are leased to the provincial state. These lands were going to be deforested; However, a judicial protection prevented this. The corporation is owned by the Syre family. Trillum's representative in Argentina and director of the logging project is Esteban Tackacs, owner of Lenga SA and former National Director of Forests.
Currently, due to the paralysis of the project, most of Trillum's properties are leased. Three of these properties are in conflict with their tenant, these are the Estancia María Cristina and the Toro Chico and Toro Grande fields (Tolhuin – TDF), which total 33,000 hectares of possessory ownership in the name of Glisud SA, a company owned by Fernando Zapata. Politician and businessman. Owner of the Tiempo Fueguino newspaper, the construction company Zimentar (dedicated to public works) and the rancher Deolinda SAZapata retains possession of those lands. that he had rented, due to an investment in securities that he obtained through his political contacts.
18) Halliday-Rudd-Mc Call Family (Arg.) 120,000 hectares in Santa Cruz and Chubut. Descendants of English settlers from the Malvinas Islands, after the native peoples of Patagonia were exterminated and the facilities of the Argentine State for them The English residents in that part of the national territory occupied by Great Britain move to the continent. This family manages their fields through their company “Cañadón del Rancho SA”, formerly called “Estancia Hill Station SA”. The properties they own are following: Estancia Los Pozos (Río Gallegos, SC) 31,000 hectares.Estancia Cabo Buen Tiempo (Río Gallegos, SC) 12,000 hectares.Estancia el Zorro (Puerto Coig, SC) 6,000 hectares.Estancia Cañadón del Rancho (Cmdte.Piedrabuena, SC) 25,000 hectares. Campo Moy Aike Chico (Río Coyle SC) 9,000 hectares. Estancia La Carmen (Languiñeo, Cht) 37,000 hectares.
19) Patterson Family (Arg.) 117,000 hectares . Mata Grande, Mulak Aike and Lai Aike ranches in Puerto Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz. These fields are managed by the firm Ganadera Mata Grande SA. This company also owns mining concessions located in them. ranches or in neighboring properties, which make up the El Salado mega-mienro project. Some members of the family are politicians from the UCR of Santa Cruz, the best known is Ricardo Patterson who was a national deputy.
20) Jamieson Family (Arg.) 110,000 hectares . Estancias Moy Aike Grande, in Puerto Coyle; and Fortitudo, in Fitz Roy, province of Santa Cruz. The members of this family have been founders of the British Club of Río Gallegos. These properties are managed by the company Don Guillermo SA
21) Roberto Hiriart (Chile) 100,000 hectares . Estancia Hualcupén, near Caviahue (Neuquén). This landowner is the nephew of the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Within this property is the entire Lake Hualcupén.
22) Bark Family (Arg.) 96,000 hectares . Estancia Coy Aike, Río Coyle, Santa Cruz. Livestock, textile and tourism businesses. Among the members of this family is the politician Harold John Bark, who until recently was Minister of Production of that province.
23) Rambeau Family (Arg.) 94,000 hectares in the province of Neuquén. Fields in Zapala, Rahue and Fortín 1º de Mayo. Livestock businesses. This family originally formed the Zingoni Corporation, keeping part of the land when this company was dissolved, late '60s.
24) Grupo Burco (Belgium) 85,000 hectares : Arelauquen, Los Baguales, Cacique Foyel, Río Villegas, Cerro Carreras and the southern bank of the Alicura Reservoir (Río Negro); Lake Cholila, Cerro Tres Picos, Lake Rosario, Corcovado, Lake La Plata, Lake Vinter, El Pedral and the attempted usucapion of the Río Turbio Provincial Park (Chubut). All establishments carry out elite tourism and real estate businesses.
25) Goodall-Bridges-Lynch Family (Arg) 80,000 hectares . In Tierra del Fuego. Viamonte, Harberton and El Rodeo ranches. Livestock and tourist business. The center of the Harberton ranch is declared a National Historical Monument.
26) Matías and Gonzalo Soriano (Arg.) 80,000 hectares , 70 km of ocean coast. Estancia Bahía Bustamante, Camarones, Chubut. Livestock, fishing and tourism businesses.
27) Vidal-Armelín Family (Arg.) 78,000 hectares in Santa Cruz: Estancia Santa Teresita, in El Chaltén.
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The owner of this company is the Uruguayan Pedro Luis Sporleder. This person appears in two companies as a partner of Gianfranco Macri (brother of President Mauricio Macri): one of them is Administrator Alicura SA, created in September 2015, with domicile in Buenos Aires, the another is XG Patagonia Group, created a month later. The latter is an off-shore company based in Panama and appears on the Panama Papers list.
29) Solmat Agropecuaria SA (Arg.) 72,000 hectares : Estancia Santa Nicolasa (Río Negro). Livestock company owned by Marcelo Alquezar.
30) Francisco Hermoso (Arg.) 68,000 hectares : Estancias San Julio and Aurelia, in Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego.
31) Cristóbal López (Arg.) 67,000 hectares . Estancias El Mirador, Alma Gaucha, La Ensenada, El Tucu-tucu and Los Notros (Santa Cruz), fields in Alto Río Senguerr, Lake La Plata and several smaller properties in Comodoro Rivadavia and Rada Tilly (Chubut), Estancias El Entrevero and El Amigo (Río Negro), Alpat Complex (Neuquén). He owns the Indalo corporation, Oil Combustibles, several casinos and mass media.
Estancia El Amigo is in the name of a company called “Invernepa SA”, the firm of this businessman, whose owners include the former custodian of the Kirchner family, Osvaldo Sanfelice.
32) Ailin-co SA (Arg) 65,000 hectares in the south of Mendoza and north of Neuquén. Puerta del Barrancas, Arroyo Curimillo and Laguna Negra fields. Company owned by René Chaumont and Sirio Sat. Livestock, mining, tourism and logging businesses .
33) Karauguer Family (Arg.) 62,000 hectares : Estancias Punta del Lago and La Estela, Lake Viedma, Santa Cruz. These properties were acquired years ago from Casimiro Ferrari (Italy).
34) Cielos Patagónico SA (Arg.) 60,000 hectares in Santa Cruz: Estancias Río Cóndor, Río Grande, Martínez de Rozas and La Nana (Lake San Martín); Estancia Huemules (Desert Lake); Estancias Menelik and Veranada de Jones (surroundings of PNP Perito Moreno). The company is owned by the Smart family. Tourism and real estate businesses. Private natural reserves.
35) Morrison Family (Arg.) 60,000 hectares : Estancia Cancha Carrera, Río Turbio, Santa Cruz. Livestock and tourism businesses.
36) Otamendi Family (Arg.) 60,000 hectares : Estancia Laguna del Toro, Gobernador Costa, Chubut. Livestock businesses.
37) Ganadera Suárez Ladouch SRL (Arg.) 60,000 hectares . Estancia Cañadón Vasco, Río Coyle (SC). This company is currently owned by the billionaire politician Eduardo Costa, national representative of the UCR for that province and owner of oil, mining and of the Hiper-Tehuelche chain.
38) Succession Carlos Miles (Arg.) 58,000 hectares in Neuquén, boundary conflict with the Pulmarí Corporation, whose territory also belonged to this landowner in the past.
39) Felton Family (Arg.) 57,000 hectares . Kilik Aike and Monte Dinero ranches, Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz.
40) Ramón Fernández Succession (Arg.) 57,000 hectares in Anecón Chico (Río Negro). Currently these lands are in judicial dispute with native settlers.
41) Ted Turner (USA) 56,000 hectares . Estancias La Primavera and Collón Curá (Neuquén) and a field in Tierra del Fuego. Ted Turner is founder and/or shareholder of the international news network CNN, Turner Broadcaster System, WCW, TNT , Turner Entertainment, TBS, etc.
42) Bunge Family (Arg.) 55,000 hectares . Estancias Río Frío, Súñica, Shaman, etc. Corcovado, Chubut. These properties are managed by the company Ganadera Esquel SA, of Bunge-Plate. Eduardo Bunge is an active leader of the Rural Society from Esquel. The family is related to the Bunge landowners of the humid pampas.
43) Nauta-Clark Family (Arg.) 53,000 hectares : Estancia Telken, in the Cueva de las Manos area, Santa Cruz. Tourist businesses are in conflict with Patagonia Gold, which intends to search for gold on their property.
44) Nieves-Álvarez Family (Arg.) 52,000 hectares .Estancias La Porfiada and San Fernando, Lago Argentino, Santa Cruz. These properties are managed by the company Andamiento SA
45) Fuchs-Facht Family (Arg) 51,000 hectares in Neuquén. Estancias San Cabao, Collun-co, La Constancia and others.
46) Anglo Ashanti Gold (South Africa) 50,000 hectares in Santa Cruz. Estancia Cerro Vanguardia, located where the mega-mining exploitation of the same name is currently carried out.
47) Estancias Schajman SA (Arg.) 50,000 hectares . Estancia El Principle and others in Trevelin and Esquel (Chubut). Property of the Schajman family, livestock and tourism businesses.
48) Barbieri Family (Arg.) 50,000 hectares , Estancia Cullén, San Sebastián, Tierra del Fuego.
49) Tanke Family (Arg.) 50,000 hectares . Estancia El Cóndor, Pichi Leufu, Río Negro. This ranch almost completely surrounds the urban ejido of Dina Huapi and a large part of that of Bariloche, therefore, whenever there is a need to expand both cities or execute some infrastructure project for them, it must be expropriated.
50) Punta Loyola SA (Arg.) 50,000 hectares . Estancia Punta Loyola, Santa Cruz. The company is owned by the Buttler and Moure families.
51) Maquinchao SA (Arg.) 46,000 hectares . Estancia Maquinchao. This property completely surrounds the town of the same name and was one of the ranches of the Compañía de Tierras del Sud Argentino, which was kept by those who sold the company to Benetton. It is unknown who its owners are.
52) Paihuén SA (Arg.) 45,000 hectares . Estancia Arroyo Verde, Alto Río Senguerr, Chubut. The company is owned by the Camus family.
53) South Latitude SA (Arg.) 44,000 hectares . Estancia la Chaira, Tellier, Santa Cruz Livestock and textile businesses. The company is owned by Alejandro Tirachini and Eduardo Tyszberowicz. Both, in turn, are owners of the textile companies Koshkil and Lautaro Fabrics.
54) Estancias Catan Lil SA (Arg) 42,000 hectares in Neuquén. A mega-forestry enterprise with pine trees is being developed on these ranches, run by Miguel Anz and Eberardo Hoepke. They have conflicts with the native peoples.
55) Marcelo Mindlin (Arg.) 42,000 hectares . Fields in Alto Río Chubut and the valley of the Foyel River (Río Negro). Mindlin is owner and/or shareholder of Pampa Energía, Dolphin Fund, Petrobras Argentina and business partner of George Soros, Joseph Lewis and the Bemberg Group, was part of Eduardo Elsztain's Irsa Group. Despite being Argentine and close to all government efforts, Mindlin's business holding company is based in tax havens.
56) Ashley Kent Carrithers (USA) 41,000 hectares . Estancias Colipilli, Paso Pichachén and Río Troncomán (Neuquén).
57) Emir and Omar Félix (Arg.) 40,000 hectares . Campo Agua Nueva (Malargüe, Mendoza), in conflict with Mapuche communities. The La Cabeza mega-mienro project is located in this field. The Félixes are recognized local politicians: Emir is currently mayor from San Rafael y Omar is a national deputy.
58) Garrido Family (Arg.) 40,000 hectares . Estancia el Chucay, Los Menucos, Río Negro.
59) Familia Leyenda (Arg.) 40,000 hectares . Estancia La Maipú, Lake San Martín, Santa Cruz. Livestock and tourism businesses. Lively Museum.
60) Wool for Ever SA (Arg.) 40,000 hectares . Estancia Cabeza de Vaca, Valcheta, Río Negro. It is unknown who the owners of the firm are.
61) Joseph Lewis (Great Britain) 38,000 hectares : Bahía Dorada, Lago Escondido, the Cerro Perito Moreno concession and the Laderas Project (Río Negro). Lewis is the sixth fortune in England, founder and owner of the Tavistock Group, which brings together investments in more than 600 corporations of its own or with which it is associated through different commercial agreements, such as, for example, Pampa Energía, of which it is a shareholder.
62) Dehais Family (Arg.) 36,000 hectares . Estancia Fortín Nogueira, Bajada Colorada, Neuquén.
63) Finkelstein Family (Arg.) 36,000 hectares . Estancia Cochicó, Las Lajas, Neuquén.
64) Jacob Suchard (Switzerland) 35,000 hectares . Estancia San Ramón (Río Negro). He was a shareholder and/or owner of the food corporations Nestle, Multifood, Kraft General Foods Europe and inventor of the Toblerone, Milka and Suchard brands.
65) Spadone Group (Arg.) 34,000 hectares . Estancias Las Mercedes (Epuyén), Las Patricias (Esquel), El Doradillo (Puerto Madryn) and other smaller ones; all in the Province of Chubut. The idea of the owners is to develop real estate ventures in all their properties. At Estancia Las Mercedes there is a lake of the same name, which according to the company, is “private”. The Spadone Group is made up of the family of the same name; He is the owner of the newspapers La Razón (Bs.As.) and Jornada (Trelew), Bodegas San Huberto (Mendoza and La Rioja), Terminal Panamericana Logística, Roman Marítima, Inversiones y Representaciones SA, and some private neighborhoods in Buenos Aires.
66) Inversora Roland SA (Switzerland) 34,000 hectares . Pilcaniyeu (Río Negro). It is unknown who the owners of the firm are.
67) Rodríguez Family (Arg.) 32,000 hectares . Estancia Lago Stróbel. This field is on the banks of said lake, also finding in its interior the 3 Quiroga lakes and 23 km of the Barrancoso River, including its mouth into Lake Stróbel. Tourist businesses .
68) Paolo Rocca (Arg.) 32,000 hectares . Lake Esperanza, Lake Urión and Río Carrileufu (Chubut). He is the owner of the Techint Group and according to Forbes he is the wealthiest person in Argentina.
69) Hilson Family (Arg.) 31,000 hectares . A stay in Río Caleufu, Neuquén.
70) Family Schulze (Arg.) 30,000 hectares . Estancias La Juana and Australasia, Río Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz.
71) Iona SRL (Arg.) 30,000 hectares . Estancia Cerro Cuadrado, Santa Cruz. Mining businesses. It is unknown who the owners of this firm are.
72) Domingo Dominguez (Arg) 29,000 hectares . Estancias Las Lomas, El Principle and Los Tamariscos, Deseado, Santa Cruz. In addition, he is a tenant of a similar number of hectares. He is a historical leader of the Rural Society of Puerto Deseado.
73) Bulgheroni Family (Arg.) 27,000 hectares . Campo Garmendia, Chelforó, Río Negro. Fruit businesses. This field is managed by the company Cerezas Argentinas S.A. The Bulgheroni make up one of the wealthiest families in Argentina. They are owners of the Bridas oil corporations , Axion and Pan American Energy.
74) United Maritime Workers Union (Arg.) 27,000 hectares . Estancias El Progreso, 16 de Agosto and San Cristóbal, Península Valdés, Chubut. These fields are currently being intervened by the justice system, due to the criminal case against his former -General Secretary, Omar Suárez, for illicit association, who is currently in prison.
75) Sturzembaun Family (Arg.) 26,000 hectares . Estancia Rupai Pacha (Fuentes del Coyle, SC) Livestock and textile businesses.
76) Evans Family (Arg.) 25,000 hectares . Estancia Bajo Los Huesos, Punta Ninfas, Chubut.
77) Pérez Family (Arg.) 26,000 hectares .Numancia Ranch, Beleiro Village, Chubut.
78) Watson Family (Arg.) 25,000 hectares . Estancia Kaikén Aike, El Chaltén, Santa Cruz. This ranch is managed by the company Lago Viedma SAN, livestock and tourism businesses.
79) Salentein Holding (Holland) 25,000 hectares in Río Negro. Corporation owned by the Pon family. Owners of the Salentein and Salentein Fruit wineries.
80) Mazquiarán Family (Arg.) 24,000 hectares . Estancia Don José Guenguel, Río Mayo, Chubut. Livestock and tourism businesses.
81) Grupo Eidico (Arg.) 24,000 hectares . Real estate ventures in Villa La Angostura and San Martín de los Andes (Neuquén), Lake Cholila (Chubut), coasts of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego), Corral de Piedra (Malargüe, Mendoza). Company owned by Jorge O'Reily and Pablo Lanusse. It also has real estate developments in other parts of the country. Eidico's business is through trusts, with which it does not completely lose ownership of the lands it markets.
82) Lagos Mármol Family (Arg.) 24,000 hectares . Estancia Lagos Mármol, Quillén River, Lanín National Park, Neuquén.
83) Cechile Family (Arg.) 23,000 hectares . Estancia La Esperanza, Sarmiento, Chubut. Livestock businesses
84) Perón Family (Arg.) 23,000 hectares . Estancias El Porvenir and La Maciega, in Camarones, and La Porteña, in Sierra Cuadrada, all in Chubut. The ranches were purchased by the parents of three-time president Juan Domingo Perón at the beginning of the 20th century and is currently owned by his nephews.
85) Alicoy SA (Arg.) 22,000 hectares . Estancia Rincón de los Morros, Gaypon, Santa Cruz. It is unknown who makes up this company.
86) Miguel Biquard and Jorge Mackinlay (Arg.) 22,000 hectares . Estancia Cristina, Los Glaciares National Park, Santa Cruz. Elite tourism. These two businessmen are being investigated by the justice system in the context of the family business cases Kirchner, clarifying that the name of the ranch has historical roots and does not refer to the former president.
87) Behrn-Ortola Family (Arg.) 21,000 hectares . Estancia La María, Lago Ghio, Santa Cruz. Important archaeological and Paleontological sites. Tourist and livestock businesses.
88 ) Familia Camino (Arg.) 21,000 hectares . Estancia Quillén, Neuquén. Livestock and Tourism Businesses.
89) Hamilton Family (Arg.) 21,000 hectares . Estancia Pali Aike, Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz.
90) Andreus George (France) 20,000 hectares . Estancia El Halcón, Río Codihue, Las Lajas, Neuquén. The property is managed by the company Patagonia Franca SA, which maintains a conflict with its neighbors, the Finkelstein family, from Estancia Cochico, who were who sold him the land.
91) Apollinaire Family (Arg.) 20,000 hectares . Estancia Cabo San Pablo, Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego.
92) Ayling Family (Arg.) 20,000 hectares . Estancia Media Luna, Aldea Beleiro, Chubut.
93) Gonzalo Family (Arg.) 20,000 hectares . Estancia Río Pico, Chubut. Livestock Business.
94) Johnston-Julie Family (Great Britain) 20,000 hectares . Estancia Stag River, Río Turbio, Santa Cruz.
95) Kusanovic Family (Arg) 20,000 hectares . Estancia La Angostura. Governor Gregores, Santa Cruz.Livestock and tourism businesses.
96) McKelin Family (Arg.) 20,000 hectares .